ReCreate Yourself - ReCreate Your Business - ReCreate Your Health
We Will Come
To You
All Coaches are Selected for
thier Experiance
We will keep you focused on your
goals, vision & purpose
We will make it fun
for you
Turn Your Life Around
The secret of world’s most famous leaders, sports persons, businesspersons and top-rating individuals are coaches. They know the difference of having a good coach by their side all the time whether they are only starting out or they are advanced in their game. It is very crucial to have someone providing feedback, support, a different viewpoint that would see to these individuals reaching their goals.
If great personalities in history need one or two of these coaches, why should it be any different when it comes to you? In your personal and business transactions, you don’t have to go on struggling and pushing forward thinking that you are on your own and it is supposed to be that way. You need to consider the possibility of hiring someone to help out.
Hiring a coach can only mean you are serious in getting ahead and having the best for your life. It means you want to live a focused and balanced life with a clear perspective and direction. It means you want to live your life in the best of your ability. It means you know things can be better and that you deserve better.
Through the years with Douglas McCoy and a team of highly-trained coaches at Australasian Success Academy, we have developed ReCreation Coaching to inspire people to breakthrough and experience excellence in their performance. Our ReCreation Coaching is to help those whose excuses are overshadowing their results.

Here are some of the advantages of ReCreation Coaching
Not to mention, you also have someone to:
we have range of Coaching Programs depending on your needs :
Most of our coaches working with individuals cost as little as:
On A Contract:
Only $400 to $100,000 per month
According to Your Needs
Or $100 to $25,000 per hourur
It won’t cost you an arm and leg to hire coach from Australasian Success Academy. In fact, with the benefits that you are getting and the results that will change your life for the better, this may be the best investment you ever put your money on!
If you want to be on the Top of the game, You need a Coach!
Corporate Coaching will require separate coaching fees & We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee
Our coaches can stay with you to help implement your new skills, systems, ideas, programs, changes and goals and to make sure the implementations really happen for you. However, coaching is not a form of therapy. We do not judge or lay blame your past. We help you move forward and set personal and professional goals that will give you the life you really want. Our coaches would not necessarily tell you what to do, but instead be a supportive presence and an expert sounding board for you to hone your ideas, goals and decisions to move forward. We humans are great, we’re all discovering what we really want and we can get what we want faster and easier by having a coach who has been there and had the experience, training, contacts and who can help you.
Call Douglas McCoy to book ReCreation Coaching – NOW;
Phone : +61 481 457 005
Email :

Douglas McCoy has Developed Training Modules and Seminars for the Very Impetus of Showing you how you can maximise Your Potential. Read More
Adress : P. O Box 335 Surfers Paradise Queensland Australia 4217,